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Written by coach Tom Jenkinson What intensity should the Long Intervals be done at? The Long Interval sessions are done at a “comfortably hard” intensity level. This is a range of paces from marathon pace to 60-minute pace that can be termed tempo,...
Written by coach Tom Jenkinson What is CSS? Critical Swim Speed (CSS) represents the highest intensity that is sustainable for a prolonged duration, without eliciting maximal oxygen uptake (V02max) it is just above the Lactate Threshold (LT2) and Maximal...
The Envol running sessions
Written by coach Tom Jenkinson Three key runs We incrementally layer in speed development workouts and aerobic endurance workouts to get your energy systems primed for progressive adaption. All plans have three key runs: Tuesday short-intervals, Thursday...
Written by coach Tom Jenkinson Sweet spot training. Is it actually beneficial, and if so what is it beneficial for? Does it fit in with polarized training? Sweet Spot is an intensity that is in the second zone in the three-zone model used in most clinical studies see...
The Envol Swimming Sessions
Written by coach Tom Jenkinson In many of the sessions, we provide pacing guide lines with RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion) using his simple two-level intensity range: EASY and HARD. EASY is for aerobic development, and HARD is for strength / muscular endurance...
Zoning system in Training Peaks
Written by coach Tom Jenkinson We use the mix and matching of training intensity and duration to create optimal stimulation for physiological adaptation. Intensities build upon each other, zoning is used to set intensity spans. To get the most out of the TrainingPeaks...