Marathon and Swimrun

Envol Swimrun is excited to announce that in 2025, we are expanding our swimrun-specific training offerings to include a Startline Ready training group aimed at chasing big PBs in the marathon! We already have the general training plans for only trail running or open...

Come (ultra) swim with us!

Team Envol is about swimrun, right? Yes. However, we do have members whose focus lies elsewhere. To be a swimrunner you need to be a trail runner and an open water swimmer. Our community and our coaches include people with a stronger love for just "The Big Blue" ,...

Swimrun makes me feel alive

This is the story of Anne Bardon. She thought she was to old to get into a new sport at the age of 50. Today she knows how wrong she was! How did you find swimrun? By chance! I was following the famous French coach Lucile Woodward through her sports programs online....

It took six years

The story of Sabina and Alexis It’s been a six years long journey, but this year, both Sabina Rapelli and her boyfriend Alexis Charrier reached the goal of becoming the World Champions of swimrun. Sabina in a team with Desirée Andersson and Alexis with Matthieu...

Americas original swimrun – Team Envol style!

Text: Trista Mennen  Photos: Ötillö and private Casco Bay, Maine was the first swimrun race in the USA. It is still going strong and on August 11 Team Envol, "The Blue Nation" was well represented! The weekend was kicked off with a pre-race clinic Saturday morning for...

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What about hand paddles?

What about hand paddles?

Hand paddles play a crucial role in enhancing swimming efficiency and performance in swimrun. However, selecting the right paddle size is essential for balancing speed, endurance, and comfort. And appearance … Understanding Paddle Size and Its Impact Hand paddles come...

Valras Swimrun – not just a race

Valras Swimrun – not just a race

The 2nd edition of Valras Swimrun, organised by Envol Swimrun, saw a double amount of participants on the start line compared to last year! More than 400 excited swimrunners had found their way to the coastal town of Valras - Plage. The race consisted of three...

Swimrun is developing

Swimrun is developing

One of the most common questions in interviews about swimrun is "how do you think swimrun will develop in the future?" One of the most common answers is "there will be new formats". Well, the future is already happening! Most of us are aware of the Supersprint and...

A podcast about everything swimrun

A podcast about everything swimrun

WeSwimrun invited Nicolas Remires to their Swimrun Show. This is a must listen if you are at all interested in: The story behind Team Envol How Nicolas got into the sport The development of the sport The future of the sport How the Envol training plans work How much...

Men vs Women

Men vs Women

Written by coach Tom Jenkinson  Do we need to train differently? There was a post in one of my triathlon communities asking for a women-specific training plan as it was quote “different from training programs often made for and by men”. I am not sure I agree with a...

The Envol Race Circle

The Envol Race Circle

Written by coach Nicolas Remires  This is not just another race series with rankings and a grand final! This is the tale of the Swimrunners of the Round Table and as in the tale of the Knights of the Round Table, this is a fellowship of equals, coming together for the...