3.2 million deaths per year

3.2 million deaths per year

The WHO are fighting the Covid-19 pandemic with everything they got. And so is the rest of the world. We all need to do what we can to get this under control – and to stay sane in the process. Part of doing so is not forgetting about the pandemic that was...
Hats off, chapeau och hatten av!

Hats off, chapeau och hatten av!

One expression in three languages for ÖtillÖ for making the races in Cannes happen. Hard work and a bit off luck allowed a bunch of happy swimrunners to once again pull on a race bib. After succsessefully jumping through every Covid-19 hoop out there I heard that for...


🇫🇷 En Français en bas de la page. 🇫🇷 Benjamin PEIGNE, from Team Envol Bretagne, gives us a summary of Laffrey’s Swimrunman. He explains to us his race but also those of the members of Team Envol What a joy to attend a swimrun...