Agnese Signorelli - swimrun coach


Swimrun, swimming, running, triathlon

Language spoken: English, Swedish


Swim Smooth Coaching education program 2015. Head swim coach at Stockholm City Triathlon (SCT) 2015 to 2020. Masters swim coach at Bromma Simsälskap 2012 to present. Age Group Aspire – Head Coach triathlon performance program within SCT 2018 to present. Ängby Runners track session lead.

Before chronic cardio took over Tom was a Swedish Alpine Ski Coach, and BASI and ESF qualified ski instructor.


“Where focus goes, energy flows. Success is simple disciplines practiced everyday.”


Born in the UK but living in Sweden for many years. Drifted into the swim, bike, run scene at 40 and quickly became hooked on in pursuit of incremental improvement and learning the black arts of the leading coaching systems. Especially interested in getting the most out of mature athletes, coaching several triathlon world championship qualifying athletes.

As a top age grouper, I practice what I preach and I am passionate about sharing lessons learnt. Finisher ötillö swimrun world championships 2021. An Envol Ambassador, area guide, and organizer of the Westside Swimrunners’ Wednesday evening swimruns on Kärsön.