I would like to present you a series of three core training exercises that are very useful for endurance sports.

To begin with,  a sequence of three exercises with the Swiss ball (large inflatable exercise ball). We start at an easy level. Every month I will give you new exercises,  increasing the difficulty. 

The idea is to repeat these exercises every week to improve your body stability and increase your core strength. Like this you will be ready for the next set of exercises. 

Core exercises are very important for the body because we can train the deep muscle chains in the body. These muscle chains are important for strengthening the joints and reducing the risk of injury.

Core muscles have been suggested not only to protect the bone from excessive force, but also to play an important role in body stabilization.

Some core training exercises have become common in rehabilitation as well as in fitness. For example, research has shown that core training can facilitate recovery from injury and relieve chronic lower back pain.

‘Core stability’ is defined as the ability to control the position and motion of the trunk over the pelvis to allow optimum production, transfer and control of force and motion physical activities. 

Exercice 1 : Abdominals

Put your feet on the swiss ball and try to keep the plank position. Your back have to be very straight like a wooden board (not like a banana). Shoulders above the fingers with straight arms.

Goal: keep the position for 40″ and repeat at least 3 times with 20″ rest in between the repetitions

Exercice 2 : Core and shoulders

Put your elbows on the swiss ball and try to keep the position plank with your back straight.

Goal: keep the position for 40″ and repeat at least 5 times with 20″ rest in between the repetitions. If it is too easy for you, you can try to do a kind of circles with your elbows on the ball (20 rounds, 10 left/10 right).

Exercice 3: Glutes

Put your heels on the swiss ball but this time with your belly up. Shoulders and arms are on the floor. You lift your hips up and you try to keep the position. 

Goal: keep the position for 40″ and repeat at least 5 times with 20″ rest in between the repetitions. 

It’s too easy, try to lift one leg and keep the position.

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