I usually tend to do sports that no one really follows in my country. The teamwork and excitement in swimrun got my attention! 

Shayan Norifard is Team Envols first member in Iran. He reached out to us after finding information about the club on Social media.  He comes from a swimming and running background, but to train and to live swimrun he is pretty much on his own in his country!

Sports in Iran evolve mostly around football and volleyball, wrestling, weightlifting and fighting sports or military athletes. Individual sports, like swimming, get very little attention. The whole point of holding competitions is based on the presence of people watching. All the time I trained, I did so without any financial or sports support.

About a year ago I lost my job but I continue my sport because I have good friends and good family who motivate me. And now I also found Team Envol! 


Coach Nicolas is a very special person and the connection to other athletes of this team that gives me a sense of togetherness.

One of the core values of swimrun – gender equality – the fact that men and women train and compete together, on the same premises, would not be possible in Iran. The day the first Iranian female swimrunner emerges we will be more than happy to welcome her to Team Envol as well!

And it’s not just the political climate. Iran has two coastlines, both very salty and hot. The few lakes that exist in the country are rather remote and not easy to access. So maybe it’s no wonder swimrun hasn’t really made it in Iran.

But then again – Jamaica has a Bobsleigh team!

The dream is to compete in Europe

I would love to continue this sport and this connection with Team Envol. As long as the situation in my country does not reach a point where I have to give up sports. I think I can be useful and get results in swimrun, I see in myself that I can appear as a top person! 

Shayan has some impressive swimming results in his athletic career. 3 times winner in the under 20 years category in his state. 2 times 50m freestyle first place and 1 time butterfly second place. In the Open Water Swimming National Champion he managed a 5th! You only need to have a look at his Instagram: @shayannorifard to realise this guy can run as well!

Hope to see him racing swimrun with us soon.