This month Sabina presents you a progression of the three first core training exercises she explained you in May.

The exercises are done with a Swiss ball (large inflatable exercise ball). We are now showing you some moderate level. The difficulty increases.

The idea is still to repeat these exercises every week to improve your body stability and increase your core strength. If it is too hard for you, use the first level exercises. 

Core exercises are very important for the body because we can train the deep muscle chains in the body. These muscle chains are important for strengthening the joints and reducing the risk of injury.

‘Core stability’ is defined as the ability to control the position and motion of the trunk over the pelvis to allow optimum production, transfer and control of force and motion physical activities.


Exercice 1 : Abdominals

Plank lift your legs
Put your feet on the swiss ball and try to keep the plank position. Your back have to be very straight like a wooden board (not like a banana). When you are in a stable position try to lift one leg and then the other one, for at least 10/16 times.

Goal: Repeat the series at least 4 times.


Exercice 2 : Core and shoulders

Plank straight arms
Put your hands on the swissball and try to keep the position plank with your back

Goal: Keep the position for 40sec at least 5 times. If it is too easy for you, you can try to lift a leg and keep the position.

Exercice 3: Glutes

Put your feet on the Swiss ball, this time with your belly to the sky. You lift your hips & you try to keep the position. When you are stable, try to lift your hips even more and in the same time shift your feet under your glutes and come back in the start position.

Goal: Repeat at least 10 times for 2 series. If it is too easy try to do 15 times for 4 series.

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