Podium goals at ÖtillÖ Engadin for Alexis, Sabina and Xavi-Jové
While Alexis Charrier and Sabina Rapelli will try to stay on the top of the mixed category, Xavier Jové Riart will discover his first swimrun with Francesc Lanuza. Two different experiences of the sport but the same golden goals.
Marine Beaury and Jeff d’Hoe, from Team Envol Lauragais, will race ÖtillÖ Engadin on 26th go July. Read about their preparation and expectations for the second World Series of the year.
Time to restart the race season
How was it to start the season during a pandemic? Who is your partner and how do you think it will be to race together? Did you do the race in Engadin before?
Sabina’s core strength exercises LEVEL 2
This month Sabina presents you a progression of the three first core training exercises she explained you in May.
Do you know Zoga?
"Zoga is a movement concept for everyone who wants to achieve more freedom, awareness of movement and posture in 4D. It challenges all relationships of a human structure to gravity and creates many global and local vectors of movement available in a body." -...
Sabina’s core strength exercises
I would like to present you a series of three core training exercises that are very useful for endurance sports.
Lockdown life. And Sweden
When the going gets tough, the tough get going! And the creative ones! Training (and life in general) isn't what it used to be. We used to run for hours. Together. Now some of us are limited to a lap around the house. Alone. Here are some current situation stories...
Hold on to Swimrun
These are strange times. Every part of life is affected. Even the swimrun part. One month ago I was on Catalina island in California. Sitting really close to other people, hugging other people, drinking from the same cup as other people! Can you imagine?! One month ago – could just as well have been in another galaxy …
Un-f*ck your feet
Today our partner Vivobarefoot are launching the Shoespirecy revolution! The shoebrand that has re-connecting people with nature as part of their calling want to tell you the truth about feet, shoes, and shoemakers. And it ain't pretty. Have a look at Shoespiracy.tv...
NEW! Be an even stronger swimrunner – prepare yourself mentally
Swimrun races, especially the long ones, require not only excellent physical condition but also rock-solid mental capacity. Envol Swimrun is adding a new service to its individual coaching selection. In collaboration with Push On Coaching, we are offering sports...