Train for Swimrun Costa Brava

Train for Swimrun Costa Brava

Between stunning landscapes and pristinely clear sea, Swimrun Costa Brava will offer you an amazing adventure. The course is challenging but we recommend you to find some extra energy to lift your head and observe the beautiful nature around you. Swimrun Costa Brava...

Welcome onboard the Swimrun Boat!!!

Welcome onboard the Swimrun Boat!!!

Are you dreaming of discovering swimrun, a fairly new sport that started in Sweden? Or would you like to improve your performance ir order to participate in the Ötillö World Championships? Valérie and Eric have plenty of experience in Ötillö races, and are therefore...

Bienvenue à bord du Swimrun Boat !!!

Bienvenue à bord du Swimrun Boat !!!

Vous avez envie de découvrir le swimrun, ce nouveau sport venu de Suède, ou bien vous avez la nécessité de progresser afin de participer au championnat du monde Ötillö, Valérie et Eric ont participé à 10 manches des worlds series Ötillö et se sont qualifiés pour la...

Training camp in USA

Training camp in USA

On January 25-26th, Envol Coaching hosted a swimrun camp in Orange County, California. A great group of athletes joined, hungry for information and "pro tips". They were not disappointed. Born and bred in Sweden, swimrun can now be found on every continent. In USA the...