Swimrun in Martinique
Want to finish of the season to the sound of steel drums? I have a friend who has a contact in Martinique who is into sports and would like to introduce the fine sport of swimrun to his island.
Optimise your performance
Doing a swimrun race is an important experience in the journey of an athlete. It's a big commitment to be on the starting line of a race. Even if it is a short distance, the event you registered for is a challenge and you should prepare it with some defined...
Three-week “pre-season” swimrun training plan
Get yourself ready for a new swimrun season and get back into shape with this 3-week swimrun training plan New to swimrun or just in need of a reboot? This three-week "pick-me-up" program is an easy way to follow, basic workout program that will give you enough boost...
Prepare 2019 swimrun competitions with us
The best way to get ready for your events is to train on the courses and get the individual advises from experts. Envol Coaching organise for you training camps totally adapted to your goals, levels and needs. When it comes to...
How to rise strong when you miss your goals.
ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Series 2017 recap. The ÖtillÖ Swimrun World Series races are over for 2017. The plan to have a consistent swimrun season, starting with ÖtillÖ Hvar and racing all the ÖtillÖ series didn't work out. But at the end, it is all about the way we...
ÖtillÖ 1000 Lakes with Guillaume Heneman
ÖtillÖ, the Swimrun World Championship, is behind now. I enjoyed a lot the adventure with my new partner Guillaume Heneman and we decided to try to another swimrun experience to keep fixing a few details. We will represent Team Envol on Sunday at...
Camp d’entrainement sur la route de l’ÖTILLÖ
En 2018, Envol Coaching organise 3 camps d'entrainements pour découvrir le mythique parcours de l'ÖTILLÖ. Encadrés par Nicolas Remires, Swimrunner français résidant en Suède, nous serons basés sur l'île d'Utö, ligne d'arrivée des championnats du Monde de swimrun. Le...
Video: Get your Swimrun transitions right
Transitions are crucial in swimrun especially in short races or races with a big amount of transitions (like ÖtillÖ and its 52 transitions!) The best way to perfect them is to repeat. It is always the same routine. It doesn't require a lot of time of training, but if...
8 weeks Swimrun training plan – Get ready for an ÖtillÖ qualifier
The sport of Swimrun grows and the teams participating in the big races get better and better. This phenomenon make the sport all more competitive, and it gets harder each year to qualify for the ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Championship. You can try to buy a lottery ticket,...
ÖtillÖ 2017
This year Team Envol is racing ÖtillÖ, Swimrun World Championships, under French flag only. Guillaume Heneman has a history within triathlon and Ironman but his love for new challenges and tough racing has brought him to the scene of Swimrun. Guillaume is a father,...